
Collett's automotive

In Memory of Axle “Rose” Collett

November 2000- May 12, 2018

Eight years ago, we were blessed to become pet parents to a wonderful German Shepherd. He was re-homed to us through a network of colleagues, and was perfectly named, Axle. Axle quickly made his way into all our hearts with his gentle, playful spirit. He was our shop mascot, our quiet listener, and our friend.

Late in the fall of 2017, we noticed some appetite changes and that he seemed to be moving more slowly than his age would account for. While there was nothing specific that we could point to that would raise an alarm, by March 2018, we took him to our veterinarian, certain that “something is off”. The results came back: aggressive cancer of the spleen. There was nothing we could do, except savor our time with him.

We had a beautiful goodbye. God graciously gave us the weather, time, and place and the spend together in a way we all enjoyed. Our family spent four hours snuggling Axle outdoors on a perfect spring evening. Besides telling him over and over versions of “I love you” and “Good Boy”, we also started saying, “Axle, Off. It’s okay. Axle can Go Bye Bye. It’s okay. Axle, Off”. Because the Off command is the opposite of Stay.

We think our sweet boy was waiting for the word, because he slipped off quietly about two hours after that.

We don’t know what God whispers to dogs in the sunshine, or laughs with them about in the wind, but we believe God gave mankind dogs for the purpose of being reminders of His Grace. Dogs are quick to forgive our human errors in their treatment. They always look forward to new opportunities to spend time with us. They give us unconditional love, unwavering loyalty, and relentless optimism.

It seems to us that the God who spoke the command that made dogs come to be (Gen. 1:25) and promises us a heavenly reality “exceedingly abundantly beyond all we can ask or imagine” (Eph. 3:20), will, at the very least, include all the animals we’ve ever loved in that heavenly home.

One day, “creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God.” (Romans 8:21) And in that Day – when we experience the new heaven and new earth (Revelation 21:2) – we believe we will see Axle again.